Sometimes you may have a balance of credit on an account that needs to be returned to a person. The system will allow you to specify that you'd like to make this payment from the person and give it a clear description for the audit trail. The only requirement to take this action is that there are Valid Bank Details, on the individual.
You can make manual payments on the system by going to the account in question and choosing Actions > Make A Payment in the menu:
This will then present you with the following screen:
Complete the required fields, such as Bank Account, Payment Type, Description and Amount. Then press, 'Make a Payment' in the lower right of the window to save. This will then create a payment group on the individual that you will be able to Reconcile the statement entry to, once payment out has been made in the real world.
You would use 'Link as a Payment or Deposit' option in the reconciliation area to match this up.
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