Tenancy Application Import Specification
A tenancy application can be submitted into Agent to allow the quick creation of tenants. This document will outline the information that you need (As a developer) to successfully send an online tenancy application to Agent via the API. The following pages will identify the available fields that can be sent to the In-Tray and subsequently create a tenant to create a tenancy agreement.
Tenant Type
Below is a table of all available Tenant Types.
Tenant Type |
'Employed' |
'SelfEmployed' |
'Unemployed' |
'Student' |
'OwnMeans' |
'Retired' |
'Company' |
'Council |
Contact Type
Below is a table of all valid contact types.
Contact Type |
'PermanentAddress' |
'PreTenancyAddress' |
'Employer' |
'Guarantor' |
'NextOfKin' |
'Referee' |
'Accountant' |
'PensionAdministrator' |
'PreTenancyAgent' |
'PreTenancyLandlord' |
'PostTenancyAddress' |
'PostTenancyAgent' |
'PostTenancyLandlord' |
'RentDemandAddress' |
'Organisation' |
'College' |
'Representative' |
Below is a table of all valid country names which should be used for the Nationality field on an applicant and the Nationality field on a Contact.
Country Names | |||
'Afghanistan' | 'Canada' | 'France' | 'Liberia' |
'Albania' | 'CapeVerde' | 'Gabon' | 'Libya' |
'Algeria' | 'CentralAfricanRepublic' | 'GambiaThe' | 'Liechtenstein' |
'Andorra' | 'Chad' | 'Georgia' | 'Lithuania' |
'Angola' | 'Chile' | 'Germany' | 'Luxembourg' |
'AntiguaAndBarbuda' | 'China' | 'Ghana' | 'MacedoniaFormerYugoslavRepublicOf' |
'Argentina' | 'Colombia' | 'Greece' | 'Madagascar' |
'Armenia' | 'Comoros' | 'Grenada' | 'Malawi' |
'Australia' | 'CongoBrazzaville' | 'Guatemala' | 'Malaysia' |
'Austria' | 'CongoDemocraticRepublicOfThe' | 'Guinea' | 'Maldives' |
'Azerbaijan' | 'CostaRica' | 'GuineaBissau' | 'Mali' |
'Bahamas' | 'CoteDIvoire' | 'Guyana' | 'Malta' |
'Bahrain' | 'Croatia' | 'Haiti' | 'MarshallIslands' |
'Bangladesh' | 'Cuba' | 'Honduras' | 'Mauritania' |
'Barbados' | 'Cyprus' | 'Hungary' | 'Mauritius' |
'Belarus' | 'CzechRepublic' | 'Iceland' | 'Mexico' |
'Belgium' | 'Denmark' | 'India' | 'MicronesiaFederatedStatesOf' |
'Belize' | 'Djibouti' | 'Indonesia' | 'Moldova' |
'Benin' | 'Dominica' | 'Iran' | 'Monaco' |
'Bhutan' | 'DominicanRepublic' | 'Iraq' | 'Mongolia' |
'Bolivia' | 'EastTimorTimorTimur' | 'Ireland' | 'Morocco' |
'BosniaAndHerzegovina' | 'Ecuador' | 'Israel' | 'Mozambique' |
'Botswana' | 'Egypt' | 'Italy' | 'Myanmar' |
'Brazil' | 'ElSalvador' | 'Jamaica' | |
'Brunei' | 'EquatorialGuinea' | 'Japan' | |
'Bulgaria' | 'Eritrea' | 'Jordan' | |
'BurkinaFaso' | 'Estonia' | 'Kazakhstan' | |
'Burundi' | 'Ethiopia' | 'Kenya' | |
'Cambodia' | 'Fiji' | 'Kiribati' | |
'Cameroon' | 'Finland' | 'KoreaNorth' | |
'Namibia' | 'Senegal' | 'Ukraine' | |
'Nauru' | 'SerbiaAndMontenegro' | 'UnitedArabEmirates' | |
'Nepal' | 'Seychelles' | 'UnitedKingdom' | |
'Netherlands' | 'SierraLeone' | 'UnitedStates' | |
'NewZealand' | 'Singapore' | 'Uruguay' | |
'Nicaragua' | 'Slovakia' | 'Uzbekistan' | |
'Niger' | 'Slovenia' | 'Vanuatu' | |
'Nigeria' | 'SolomonIslands' | 'VaticanCity' | |
'Norway' | 'Somalia' | 'Venezuela' | |
'Oman' | 'SouthAfrica' | 'Vietnam' | |
'Pakistan' | 'Spain' | 'WesternSahara' | |
'Palau' | 'SriLanka' | 'Yemen' | |
'Panama' | 'Sudan' | 'Zambia' | |
'PapuaNewGuinea' | 'Suriname' | 'Zimbabwe' | |
'Paraguay' | 'Swaziland' | 'UnknownCountry' | |
'Peru' | 'Sweden' | 'HongKong' | |
'Philippines' | 'Switzerland' | 'Jersey' | |
'Poland' | 'Syria' | 'ChannelIslands' | |
'Portugal' | 'Taiwan' | 'Bermuda' | |
'Qatar' | 'Tajikistan' | 'BritishOverseasTerritory' | |
'Romania' | 'Tanzania' | 'Aruba' | |
'Russia' | 'Thailand' | 'Kosovo' | |
'Rwanda' | 'Togo' | 'Macau' | |
'SaintKittsAndNevis' | 'Tonga' | 'KoreaSouth' | |
'SaintLucia' | 'TrinidadAndTobago' | 'Kuwait' | |
'SaintVincentAndTheGrenadines' | 'Tunisia' | 'Kyrgyzstan' | |
'Samoa' | 'Turkey' | 'Laos' | |
'SanMarino' | 'Turkmenistan' | 'Latvia' | |
'SaoTomeAndPrincipe' | 'Tuvalu' | 'Lebanon' | |
'SaudiArabia' | 'Uganda' | 'Lesotho' |
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