Work items are the part of the software where emails, text messages and reminders are kept. Every staff member has a work items list, or you can look at everyone’s work items.
- To get to your work items list you’ll need to click onto the button along the top tabs.
- You will see different filter items on top bar in this window, such as 'Messages', 'Appointments' and 'Reminders' all selected by default. With more options available by clicking in this box. Additional filters include Branch, Date & Staff.
- In the top right hand corner you will have the option to send a text message, or an email.
- On the main part of the page you will see a list of all of your work items, this will be a mixture of manual reminder, system generated reminders and emails/texts that have been received to the system
- To get more information on the item or to read the full email you click onto the item. You will then have an option on the left hand ladder to view any attachments.
- Once you have opened the item on the In-tray the item will change colour to show that it has been viewed.
- Once you have finished with an email, or you have completed a task on the work items list, you can click the complete button. This will make the item disappear from the incomplete items.
- You may need to assign a reminder/email to a different staff member, you can do this by ticking the work item and then clicking onto the assign button at the bottom of the page.
- When assigning to another Staff member, you will have the option to choose which member of staff you want to
- Once you have selected the staff member by typing their name into the field and selecting them from the drop down, click confirm assign to save.
- You can also opt to assign to a different branch(if applicable) by using the branch box instead of the Staff.
To add new reminders:
- Click onto the OFFICE button and select the REMINDERS Button.
- This will give you a list of all reminders; you will have the top to add a new reminder, by clicking onto the top right hand ADD button.
Assign to: select a staff member to set the reminder to
Scheduled at: When you want the reminder to come through
Frequency: How often you’d like to be reminded of the item
Content: What you’d like the reminder to say
- Click SAVE AND CLOSE complete
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