If you'd like to know what Fixflo is, please check this guide - Useful Plugins - Fixflo
There are two types of integration for Fixflo, the standard and the advance.
Standard Integration
Once a job has been submitted via FixFlo it will appear in the In-Tray, under the section on the left hand ladder for 'Maintenance requests', please also make sure no Staff are selected in the 'Staff' drop down.
Open the Work item, here you can decide if you'd like to accept or decline the job. If you decline the job at this stage you will need to contact the tenant to advise them of the reasons, if you are happy to proceed with the maintenance request, click the actions button and select "Accept Job Request"
This will generate a popup box, confirm the details and click "Accept Job Request". You may need to search for the tenants name in the search box.
The Maintenance Job has now been created and any photos sent across can be viewed in the section "Saved Documents" within the maintenance job. This can be found under the property screen or under the maintenance jobs tab.
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