Click into the option for View Accounts, which is always positioned on the left hand side of the person's profile. To the right on the centre page results, you have a column for credits in and one for debits out - the Description column will show you either the reference number or details of standing order transactions that have been linked to this account, or manually written descriptions for any transfers, charges or maintenance deductions.
To see which transaction was made by a staff member, you can click this arrow to the left of the entry and it will collapse further information. This will help you when tracing back certain movements as well as seeing an overview of whether the transaction has been invoiced, whether it is authorised (reconciled) as well which branch it was assigned to, which is helpful for multi-branch agencies.
To see who a transfer was linked to, you simply click onto the entry for the debit e.g where ticked below.
It will open up the finance entry showing each stop the funds have made along their journey.
You can see from here that this reached somebody's main account so if you collapse the entry with the inward facing arrow again, you will see who the recipient is. This will help if you want to check that funds were transferred to the correct recipient and by whom.
The running balance column will show you the end balance of the account, per each transaction. There may be times where an account might show an unexpected balance and you can refer to this column as it will indicate at which point in time the account went into an unexpected deficit or produced an undesired balance.
Below is an example of a duplicated payment out.
The "Current Balances" tab displays a whole overview summary of each of the persons various accounts. If you click that tab, you will have a clear view of any outstanding money or where credit is currently sat which will help you better understand what needs to be moved or made due/undue. This is especially useful if you are looking to make certain how funds are positioned, prior to making a transfer between accounts.
To go back to your main account, please select the little grid icon to the left of the account balances tab with the downward arrow pointing to it.
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