An Auto Charge is a great tool for pre-setting charges which you would otherwise need to apply manually to individual people on the system. Auto Charges save you time and will also prevent you from missing the application of any fees since it will do it for you as instructed.
To set up an auto-charge please go to the tenancy page first > click "Auto Charges" on the left hand ladder. Within this screen you'll be presented with two options, select as appropriate:
- +Add in the top right is for setting the charge to trigger upon an action, such as "Tenancy Signed"
- Date Specific Charge - This is for applying a trigger date for the charge. It is best to use this for a Signed tenancy for example.
Here is a breakdown of each field's purpose:
Type - please select whether it is a fixed amount or a percentage amount
Amount - please enter a value for the fixed value or percentage but do not use a symbol, please just use the values.
Non VAT charge - If you are VAT registered, you should allow the system to add VAT to each charge and it will do this automatically. This box allows you to prevent the VAT being added for special circumstances.
Person Type - Who is the charge being applied to? Please select from the drop-down options.
Apply to - Dictate whether or not this is to apply to any renewals of this tenancy or not.
Apply When - Indicate when you want to charge to trigger. Please note that adding a charge after the point of signing and selecting "Tenancy Signed" will prevent the charge from applying.
Offset Type and Offset Days - This will allow you to set how many days before or after the "Apply When" option should trigger. i.e. After 1 days following the Tenancy Signed.
Branch Account - Apply a branch if you would like to make it specific
Sales Account - Please select the sales charge type you wish to apply against the charge for your administrative purposes
Nominal Code - This only applies if you have preset nominal codes for accounting software, please disregard if not relevant to your agency.
Description - This will apply to invoices, please write a clear description
Recurrence type and Recurrence - Will it be once per month? Then you would select Monthly and 1, etc
Save and Close
Service Specific Auto Charges - Useful for TFO or Let Only properties.
Quite often, clients will find that they have certain fees which will apply to large groups of clients who are going to regularly receive a particular type of charge, for example a Find Tenant fee for a landlord. While adding these doesn't take long, to make things even quicker, there is the option to add auto-charges for large groups at a time by attaching these auto-charges to the Service Type.
To add an auto charge that you would like to apply to all tenancies under a particular service type, you will first need to open that specific service type. That is best done by searching Service Types in the quick search bar and selecting Show the Service Types. You should find a screen similar to the one shown in the below screenshot.
Once you have selected the service type that you would like to amend, it will open and have an option for Auto Charges in the left hand ladder as shown below.
By clicking Auto Charges, it will show you all current/former auto charges that have been set against this service type. There are example of four of these shown below.
Existing auto charges can be amended by clicking Actions against the auto charge and selecting Edit Auto Charge. To delete one of the charges, it would be Delete Service Type Charge.
To add an entirely new auto charge, you will need to click +Add as shown below, at which point you would refer back to the list of each field's purpose as shown above in bold.
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