You may wish to make rent due or undue manually and this might be down to one of a number of reasons such as a slight mishap with the wrong service type originally applied. A small error setting up Rent Schedules can also throw things out for a rent or two so you may need to correct the rent system when you notice this by actively calling for a missed rent. Perhaps the landlord has agreed to lower or increase the arrears due to a a special circumstance.
You will first have to go to the tenant in question by searching for them in the search bar.
You will then be taken to the tenant profile.
Go to 'Actions' and you will see a section that says 'Make Rent Undue' and 'Make Rent Undue'
You will find a clear outline of the outstanding credit on the tenant
Enter the amount you wish to make undue or due.
The description box will refer to the property. A recommendation is to add a rental period on the end but you can use this field to write what you see fit. It will show on the landlord invoice so just be mindful of writing anything you would not be happy for them to see.
You then have to select 'Make rent due' or Make rent undue'.
This will then reflect in the tenants credit on the front screen.
If you go to view accounts on that tenant, you can also see what action has been taken along with the description that you have added.
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