A service type is what you set up and apply against your tenancies which determines whether it is a managed or let only tenancy, along with the bond scheme for this service i.e. DPS or TDS. By setting a service type against a tenancy, it allows the system to carry out the correct movements for you, such as calling for rent on managed service types, managing the bond per required method and also selecting which service types should generate landlord management reports.
Each service type can have a tenancy agreement document applied to it so when you create a service type, you can provide a new agreement to support@agentos.com and advise them which service type you wish to apply it to. Or if it is not a new document, you can just let them know that it would be an existing uploaded one.
You can also set specific auto-charges against your service types which saves you from having to manually add those charges against each new tenancy individually. By applying them to the service type, those charges will automatically apply when you set the type against the tenancy.
Additionally, progression checklist items can be applied to the service type - please see the progression checklist guide for this.
To view and/or create a service type
Please start by going to the Control Panel, found under the right Cog.
Now in Object Types > Service types, under the Lettings heading:
It will display your various services in centre page, and +Add to create is in the top right. To view the details of the service types, please click onto them.
To create, please click +Add and fill in the fields.
Please check the Bond Control tab as well so that you can apply bond management preferences.
Once created, to the left hand side you will see options for auto-charges and progression checklists, specific to the service type.
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