Please also see our rent chase guide and our delay chase guide for further information on using this section.
In the rent chase grid you can utilise a column called 'Status'
In this column, you can apply informative tags related to the rent chase situation per individual, for special circumstances.
To do this, please go to the tenant profile > click edit in the top right and select the highlighted tab below, called Rent Chasing.
The field called Account Status can be dropped down to display a selection of options. Rent chase can also be edited here to the right hand side if you wish to delay the rent chase until a set date.
To create account status types so that they appear as options in this drop down, please go to the little person icon in the top right hand side of any agentOS page. Then click 'Object Types' followed by the icon tile labelled 'Tenant Account Status Types' > now you can add your own personalised tags.
Please also see our rent chase guide and our delay chase guide for further information on using this section.
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