Inbox: New Look
Over the last couple of weeks we've rolled out changes to how your emails, SMS and reminders are shown on agentOS, with the old In-tray now becoming the Inbox. This section has a new look, with clearer views in the left-hand ladder to indicate the number of items to be looked at, without having to change additional filters.
A slider has also been added to the top-right of the Inbox, allowing you to view Unread Only items. Set this to No and the Inbox will then show previously read items if you need to revisit anything that you or colleagues have already viewed.
Please note: The figures shown for Messages, Appointments, Reminders and Sent items are for the individual user; and figures shown in the Leads, Lettings, Sales and Maintenance sections are for that user's assigned branch.
AI Emails & SMS (BETA)
The changes to the Inbox mentioned above are in part to allow us to beta test new features that integrate AI into the agentOS Inbox, including Email and SMS summarising, categorising and AI-driven reply options.
This beta testing is now underway, more information on additional testers and when these new features will be available as part of a general release will come in the New Year.
Real-Time Data Feed: OnTheMarket
We've added the ability to send advertised property data through OnTheMarket's real-time data feed, to replace the nightly uploader. This will mean that data will reach OnTheMarket in real-time when a sales instruction or lettings tenancy is advertised through agentOS, without the need to wait for that nightly feed to run through before it will appear on OnTheMarket.
Our Support team are currently working with OnTheMarket to move all existing mutual customers across to the real-time feed, but if you have any questions on this process at all please contact the Support team through support@agentos.com.
Leads: OnTheMarket
Enquiries received from OnTheMarket are now available as an option to show in the Leads section.
If you're an OnTheMarket customer and would like to set this up, please contact our Support team through support@agentos.com.
Leads: Convert to Landlord or Convert to Vendor
New options have been added to enquiries received into the Leads section, allowing you to Convert to Landlord or Convert to Vendor.
Converted Leads: Mobile Phone Number
As part of the changes made to the Leads section, when using one of the options to Convert to... we've remapped the Daytime Phone Number received from the portals to go to the Mobile Phone field on the person record instead of showing as a landline number.
If the Daytime Phone Number field is empty for that received lead, it will use the Evening Phone Number field and convert that to a Mobile Phone number instead.
Composition: Outside Space
We've updated some of the labels found in the Outside Space section in the Composition sections of both Sales Instructions and Lettings Properties to more closely meet how those are used on advertising portals when that data is received by them. The changes we've made are:
- Garden is now Back Garden
- Large Garden is now Rear Garden
- South Facing Garden is now Private Garden
Please note: You may need to check properties that had these labels set prior to you next advertising the property, as the updated labels may no longer apply to the address in question.
Real-Time Data Feed: Missing Summary/Description Error
An issue that where an advertised property that was missing a Summary or Description could cause errors on a real-time data feed has been resolved. Any properties advertised that are missing one of these fields will now be sent to the portals with holding wording included of 'Description to follow...'.
Closed Tenancies: Rent Schedules/Tenants
A bug where the Rent Schedule & Standing Orders and Tenants sections had disappeared from some Closed Tenancies has been resolved.
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