To convert a document from our Classic XSLT format to an editable Docx, our Documentation Team will require a Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx) version of the document along with any specific generation criteria.
The steps required are:
Download a version of document you wish to convert, along with any specific generation criteria. (*1) (This can be downloaded from your Postbag)
Convert the file to a Word Document. (This can either be done locally or using an online conversion tool)
Remove any personal information.
Make any wording and formatting amendments as required.
Within the document, highlight any areas you would like the document to merge in information, and define the information to merge. As an example, if you would like the document to merge the landlord name add [LandlordName].
Send the final document in a new email to "". This needs to be the final document and it will be created and uploaded as is.
Once the document has been received by the team, you will receive an automated response (e.g. #SRX100) within thirty minutes. Please note the response will be for new emails only, any replies to an existing thread will not generate an automated response.
When the document is complete, or if there are any issues with the document (e.g. it is not possible to fully match the design) the documentation team will respond with more information.
*1 Generation Criteria Example
Tenancy Agreement
- Tenancy Type
- Service Type
- Renewal (true/false)
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