19/08/2020 - Micro Release
- Maintenance Deduction VAT Amount - The VAT field has been added to the "Property Maintenance Deduction" action on a Maintenance Job.
- Journal Transfers - Sales people have been added to the search result for journal transfers.
- Commercial Property Advertising - When you advertise a property as a Commercial Property, Land, Garage, Garages or Plot, the number of bedrooms will be set to zero when sent to the portals.
- Lettings POA - A tick box has been added to lettings to allow you to advertise a property as "POA".
Landlord Portfolio Report - Extended
An updated version of the landlord portfolio report has been created for use as a base of a more detailed report that you can send to your landlords.
The report can be run for a period of your choice. The system will generate a report and list the applicable rents, charges and deductions for all of the landlord's properties.
The report breaks down into the following sections:
- Property performance
- Properties are grouped together if the "Address Number" matches.
- E.g. For a block of properties at "123 New Street", as long as "123" is in the "Address Number" field of every property, the report will group them together.
- Other Fees Deducted
- Includes charges and refunds without a nominal code.
- Maintenance Deductions (By Nominal Code)
- All nominal codes other than Utility and Insurance are covered in this section.
- Maintenance Deductions for Utility or Insurance Nominal Codes
- Two system default nominal codes have been added to allow for this.
- Deductions with no Nominal Code
- Includes all deductions not covered by the two sections above.
- Payments Made to Landlord
- Unpaid Rent
- Future Rent Due for Property
The report can be generated from a landlord, "Portfolio Report - Extended".
Maintenance Deduction - VAT Amount
- As part of the improved performance report (Above), a new field has been added to "Maintenance Deductions" which allows you to specify a VAT amount on a deduction.
- This field does not alter the behaviour of a deduction.
- The system will still charge the amount specified in the "Total Amount" field.
- The description will change to show the VAT amount of the "Total Amount".
- Boiler Service(Net: £80.00 VAT: £20.00). Carried out by British Gas.
Barclays Open Banking
- A cut off time has been added for clients using a Barclays Open Banking connection.
- If payment is made after 17:00, the statement won't be uploaded until the next day.
- This change brings Open Banking in line with how payments made after 17:00 are reported by the bank on the bank statement.
- If your bank has a cut-off time and it has caused problems with Open Banking, please contact our Support Team to request a cut off time be added.
Leads - Phone Numbers
- When creating a lettings applicant or a sales buyer from a lead, the daytime and evening phone numbers are now also added to Confidential Notes.
Job Sheet Note - Assigned Staff
- The staff member who sends the job sheet is now attached to the note.
- This change should prevent a maintenance job being created without the name of a staff member in the "Staff" column on the Maintenance Jobs grid.
Rent Book
- The Rent Book has been turned on for all clients.
- The Print Rent Book will appear as an action on a tenant.
- This can be turned off by our Support Team.
Clone Sales Instruction
- It is now possible to clone a sales instruction, creating an exact copy of an existing instruction.
- On starting the process, you will be asked to pick a service type.
- The system will copy all property details including:
- Photos
- Documents
- Features
- Rooms
Part Exchange Developer - Associated Solicitor
- A new field has been added to a Developer linked to a Part Exchange record, allowing you to link a Solicitor.
Sales Offer - New Fields
- Three new fields have been added to a Sales Offer under a new column called Shared Ownership/Equity
- % being purchased
- Rent amount on sold (PCM)
- Service charge (PCM)
- Each field has it's own Email Template Tag (To be prefixed with SalesOffer.)
- [PercentageBeingPurchased]
- [RentAmountOnSold]
- [ServiceCharge]
Quick Add Sales Instruction - Developer
- Link a Developer to a sales instruction when using the Quick Add Sales Instruction action.
Sites - Print/Post/Store Documents
- A Print/Post/Store Documents area has been added to Sites under a Developer.
Mortgages - New Fields
- Two new fields have been added to Mortgages
- Term (Years)
- Deposit Amount (£)
Feedback - Viewing Type
- A new object type has been added for Viewing Type.
- The field has been added to the sales and lettings Feedback Add action on sales instruction and property.
Sites- Site Reference
- A new field for Site Reference has been added to Sites under Developers.
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