Two Factor Authentication
We have added the option to enable Two Factor Authentication to user accounts. This extra layer of security will make it harder for any would-be attackers to gain access to your account and data.
You will be prompted to enable 2FA every time you set a new password (Either through a password reset or an expired password), with the option of continuing without enabling (When 2FA isn't mandatory); using your existing authorisation codes (If you have already enabled it), or set up a new authenticator link and codes.
To accommodate 2FA, the login form flow has changed slightly. You will first be asked for your username, which will then progress to the password form, where you will also be asked for an authenticator code (If enabled).
To disable 2FA (Where it is not mandatory), there is an action on a staff members' profile which will clear it. Once this action has been done, you will need to reset your password if you wish to enable 2FA again.
2FA is optional by default, but it can be made mandatory via a company setting. Please contact our Support team on support@agentos.com if you would like to force your users to use 2FA.
Sales Maintenance Jobs
We have added Maintenance Jobs to Sales, allowing you to create a maintenance job for any sales instruction.
Maintenance jobs for sales properties can be added using the existing "Add" action on maintenance jobs and will appear in the existing "Maintenance Jobs" grid.
A list of maintenance jobs for a sales property can be viewed on the property's record.
Sales Maintenance Deduction
A new action has been added to Vendors; Developers and Estate Agents called "Maintenance Deduction". This action will allow you to transfer money from a persons' main account to the main account of any other person on the system.
This action is not the same as the "Maintenance Deduction" action found in lettings, no supplier accounts have been added to any person in sales.
This action is a direct copy of the existing "Transfer To" action already found in sales.
Owners App **BETA**
A new app is available to you from the Apps tab on the dashboard.
For more information, please see this article.
Rent Chase
- We have updated the Rent Chase grid to show all tenants by default.
- This was inadvertently changed in a previous release so that only tenants without a status were shown by default.
- The grid will filter by status when one or more statuses have been selected.
Access Level Names
- Access level names have been updated to make them more relevant to the different roles within agencies.
- Client Colleague > Basic
- Client Staff > Negotiator
- Client Manager > Admin
- Client Senior Manager > Manager
- Client Finance > Finance
- Client Administrator > Owner
Irish VAT Number
- We have updated the validation on the VAT number for clients based in Ireland.
TDS Administrative Area
- We have updated the TDS file export to account for a change from the TDS regarding Administrative Areas.
Monitor Allocated Work Date Range
- We have added a date range to Monitor Allocated Work to help speed up the initial load time of the report.
Active Landlord List
- We have added the balance of the landlord's Main account to the Active Landlord List.
Bulk Change Part Exchange Owner
- We have added a bulk change action to Part Exchange to allow you to change the case owner in bulk.
Sales Instruction Apply Charge
- We have added two new actions to sales instructions that allow you to apply a charge to the first vendor or the linked developer.
Associated Agents Apply Charge
- We have added the Apply Charge action to any Associated Agents on a sales instruction.
Sales Offer Audit
- We have updated sales offers so that an audit note is created whenever any field on the offer is changed.
- Released with a known defect where no note is created for the "Deposit" field. This will be fixed in a future release.
Sites Notes
- We have added Notes to Sites on a Developer.
PX Record Sites Shortcut
- A shortcut has been added to the Sites field found on a part exchange record.
Repossession Case Portfolio Type
- A new, free-form text field has been added to Repossession Cases for Portfolio Type.
Sales Instruction Viewings By
- Two new options have been added to Viewings By on a sales instruction:
- Sub Agent
- Viewbr
Grid Items Per Page
- We have added a workaround fix to allow you to change the number of items per page in grids.
- Four new actions have been added to the bottom of grids.
Actions Menu Opens Within Grid
- We have fixed a defect where action menus would open up within the grid, requiring the user to scroll to view the full list of actions.
Negotiator Added Note
- Defect fixed where an audit note was added to the sales instruction whenever a change was made on a sales instruction.
- The note will now only be added when the negotiator has been changed.
Released Tenants on Job Sheet
- Released tenants will no longer be included in "Contact for Access" on the job sheet.
To-Do List "Incomplete Items"
- We have tweaked the To-Do List query that was preventing certain progression items from being displayed.
Appraisal > Instructed
- Fixed a defect where the "Advertised Price" was set to £0 when moving a sales instruction from Appraisal to Instructed.
Retired Certificates
- Fixed a defect where retired certificates were shown by default when viewing Certificates from a property.
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