Attach Saved Documents to Emails
A new function has been added to the system, allowing you to Attach Saved Documents to emails that are held against records on agentOS.
The Send Email options throughout the system have been redesigned to incorporate the new Attach Saved Documents button on the left-hand side, above the existing option to attach files that you have locally, which has been renamed as Attach Files from Computer.
When you click on the new Attach Saved Documents option, you'll get a pop-up which will allow you to select Saved Documents from a Person, lettings Property, Tenancy, Sales Instruction or Maintenance Job.
You can attach one or multiple Saved Documents from a single record by selecting the checkboxes to the left of the documents and then clicking to Continue.
Once attached, these will show in the regular attachments box on the left-hand side of the email, underneath the Attach Files from Computer section.
You can attach a combination of saved documents and files from your computer to a single email as required. Please be aware that you can only search for one record at a time through Attach Saved Documents, but you can do multiple searches in a single email if you needed to attach files that are held against more than one record, just click into the Attach Saved Documents option again and search for the other record that you need.
Please note: Further development work is due to take place that will allow you to Attach Saved Documents that are held against Certificate records, but this requires a wider change to our Search functionality to allow this. We'll update you in future release notes when this function is ready for release.
Email and SMS Template Ordering
Email Templates and SMS Templates will now show in A-Z order in lists and dropdowns.
Security Settings Naming
Some items in the Security Settings relating to Notes have been renamed to better clarify the specific option they control.
Actions Menu Loading
A bug where Actions menus found in the left-hand ladder options weren't loading as expected has been fixed.
Rightmove Autoresponder Emails
An issue where some emails from Rightmove's Autoresponder address were not showing in agentOS has been resolved.
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