Emails: Link as Note
We've updated the option when receiving an email for Link as Note to include additional record types that Notes can be recorded against, and have also expanded the option further to cover sent emails as well as those received.
When clicking Actions and Link as Note on an email you can now link that email to the following record types:
- Person
- Lettings Property
- Sales Instruction
- Sales Offer
- Maintenance Job
- Maintenance Certificate
We've also added the ability to classify these when linking using the optional Note Type dropdown found in other Notes menus.
To use Link as Note on a sent item, you can find the email in the Notes of the original sender or recipient, click Actions to the right of that sent email and the option to Link as Note will show in the dropdown menu.
Lettings Applicants: Create Invoice
The option to manually Create Invoice has been added to Lettings Applicants.
To create an invoice for an Applicant created on or after August 1st 2023, the Create Invoice option will show automatically in the Actions menu of that record.
For any Applicants created prior to August 1st 2023, the option to create an invoice for them needs to first be activated using the option in Actions for Allow Invoice Creation.
When selected, this option will activate the invoicing option for that record and will automatically refresh that Applicant profile to then show the Create Invoice option under Actions, as above.
Mortgage Providers: Create Invoice
The option to manually Create Invoice has been added to Mortgage Providers, and can be found in the Actions menu of a Mortgage Provider record.
Person Records: Standing Order References
The Standing Order References ladder option as found in Tenant profiles has been added to the following additional person record types:
- Landlords
- Lettings Applicants
- Contractors
- Buyers
- Vendors
- Solicitors
- Estate Agents
- Developers
- Mortgage Providers
This will allow you to view and unlink any previously linked Standing Order References from those records as required.
Monitor Allocated Work: Landlord Management Fees
Any changes made to a Landlord's Management Fee percentage are now recorded in the Monitor Allocated Work report with the details of the new amount and the staff member making the change.
Nightly Advertising Feeds: Bond Required (Deposit)
The Bond Required (deposit) figure from an Advertised Instruction will now be sent to the nightly advertising portal feeds along with the property Facilities, as some providers are no longer accepting the specific deposit data field as part of the nightly feed they receive from us.
For more details on how this process works, please see the Changes to Nightly Advertising Feeds section of our previous release notes here.
Pay People In Credit: Actions
The Actions dropdowns that had previously been removed from individual people records listed in the Pay People In Credit menu have been re-added.
Manage Bond Scheme: My Deposits - Custodial
A new deposit scheme type has been added to Manage Bond Scheme under lettings Service Types for My Deposits - Custodial.
As part of this, the existing My Deposits scheme type has been renamed to My Deposits - Insured for clarity.
Leads: Missing Comments
An issue where Comments were missing when converting a Lead to an Applicant or a Buyer has been resolved, these will now show in the Confidential Notes section of the applicant or buyer record.
Maintenance Jobs: Email Contractor
A bug where a note could be recorded against a Maintenance Job without completing the Email Contractor sending process has been resolved.
NRL Annual Return: Duplicate Address details
An issue where some Landlord address details were being duplicated on the NRL Annual Return has been resolved.
Property Brochures: EPC Values
A bug where some property brochures displayed an incorrect rating instead of holding information when a value was missing has been fixed.
Lettings Offers: Accepting Amended Offers
An issue where an error was returned when trying to accept an amended lettings offer has been resolved.
Signatures: Removal of Add option in grids
Due to an ongoing issue, the option to Add has been removed from the various Signature grids across the system. To create a new signature envelope, please use the Add option in the main Signatures menu under Office.
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